Spiegel Geschichte
Tödliche Naturgewalten
Natur + Reisen, Natur + Umwelt • 13.03.2025 • 16:45 - 17:40
May 24th 2013, Moore Oklahoma, Lyde Keller in front of his house that was destroyed by an ef5 tornado. The EF5 tornado killed at least 24 people and damaged and destroyed 1200 homes and impacted 33,000 people.
A beautiful but dangerous F4 tornado on June 23, 2002 near Barnard, South Dakota. This tornado was the most violent tornado to ever hit northeast South Dakota. If your bored of beach holidays and looking for something different this summer then you may want to think about a trip to America's mid-west. Storm-chasing husband and wife team Roger and Caryn Hill take British tourists on the hunt of their lives following deadly and destructive tornados. Plowing their way through America's 'Tornado Alley' Roger and Caryn drive groups of up to 18 people at a time in three buses and charge up to £230 a day for a ten day tornado chase. Offering their adrenaline inducing 'Silver Lining Tours', Roger, 53 and Caryn, 50, estimate that they have taken almost 1500 people to observe raging tornado's in the American Mid-West since 2000. Taking their paying guests to within 1/4 of mile of some of the swirling 300 mph vertical wind funnels, the husband and wife team have documented awe inspiring incidents of turning twisters and powerful super-cell storms.
An overturned car lies on the foundation of a home near St. John's Regional Medical Center on May 23, 2011 in Joplin, Missouri. A powerful tornado ripped through the densely populated town of Joplin yesterday killing at least 89 people.
Neighbors Mary Evans (L)
Deadly Disasters
Natur + Reisen, Natur + Umwelt
Tornados sind ein außergewöhnliches Phänomen. In den rotierenden Säulen aus Luft kann der Wind Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 480 Kilometer pro Stunde erreichen. Sie können auf der ganzen Welt entstehen, doch eine Region ist besonders oft betroffen: die "Tornado Alley" in den USA. In diesem Gebiet entstehen Jahr für Jahr ungewöhnlich viele heftige Tornados.