Tele 5
Doctor Who
Serie, Actionserie • 15.03.2025 • 18:20 - 19:15
Doctor Who - generic image Picture shows: The Doctor (DAVID TENNANT) and Martha Jones (FREEMA AGYEMAN). WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to terms of Use of the Digital Picture Service.  In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicisng 'Doctor Who' and provided the BBC is credited.  Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising and other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the BBC.
Doctor Who - generic image Picture shows: The Doctor (DAVID TENNANT) and Martha Jones (FREEMA AGYEMAN). WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to terms of Use of the Digital Picture Service.  In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicisng 'Doctor Who' and provided the BBC is credited.  Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising and other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the BBC.
***THIS IMAGE IS EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION NOT BEFORE 25TH MARCH 2007*** Doctor Who - generic image Picture shows: The Doctor (DAVID TENNANT) and Martha Jones (FREEMA AGYEMAN). WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to terms of Use of the Digital Picture Service.  In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicisng 'Doctor Who' and provided the BBC is credited.  Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising and other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the BBC.
DOCTOR WHO episode 13
Picture shows: Martha (FREEMA AGYEMAN), the Doctor (DAVID TENNANT)  and Harold Saxon (JOHN SIMM) 
DOCTOR WHO SERIES 3 – Episode 13
WARNING This image may only be used for publicity 
purposes in connection with the broadcast of the 
programme as licensed by BBC Worldwide Ltd & must 
carry the shown copyright legend. It may not be used for 
any commercial purpose without a licence from the BBC.    
© BBC 2007
Serie, Actionserie
England, 1913: Die außerirdische "Familie des Blutes" geht zum Angriff über! Da der Lebenszyklus der Aliens in Kürze enden wird, ist die Killer-Familie zum Äußersten bereit. Mitsamt einer Privatarmee aus Vogelscheuchen greift die Sippe die Kadettenschule der Ortschaft an, um die Herausgabe des Doktors, alias John Smith, zu erzwingen. Erst als der übersinnlich begabte Junge Timothy (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) die verloren geglaubte Taschenuhr zurück zu Martha bringt, kann der Doktor seine wahre Identität wiedererlangen. Er verbannt die Aliens an die unmöglichsten Orte, zerstört ihr Raumschiff und lädt seine neue Freundin Joan (Jessica Hynes) ein, mit ihm zu kommen, was diese aber ablehnt.